Network and Coin Specs
Commonly asked about network and coin specifications
NIX (Native UTXO)
BTC 0.17
Mainnet Port
Testnet Port
Block Time Target
2 minutes
Difficulty Adjustment
Every block, 2 block moving average
Max. Block Size
Est. TPS
Current Supply
~48,900,000 (MAR 2021)
Maximum Supply
102,210,160 (After 40 years)
Staking Reward
~2.7 per block
Development Fund
1.28 per block
Ghostnode Reward *
8.448 per block
Ghostnode Ghost Vault Fee ** (1-way Ghosting)
Ghostnode Vault to Vault TX Fee ** (2-way Ghosting)
.1 Ghosted NIX
*- Node rewards are paid to 1 Ghostnode at a time, repeatedly cycling through the list of active nodes. Currently, this means a Ghostnode owner can expect 2 rewards per day (16.896 NIX). **- Vault fees are pooled and split among all active Ghostnodes on a daily basis.
Inflation/Halving Schedule
Staking rewards are not subject to scheduled reductions, but instead, slowly increase over time until the maximum supply is reached at a rate of 1.5% per year.
Ghostnode and Development rewards are halved every 4 years, with the first one expected to happen in June/July 2022.
Overall inflation is approximately 3 million NIX per year.
Live Network Stats
Live data and network stats can be found here on the NIX website.
NBT (ERC20 Governance Token)
Ethereum Token Contract: 0x2e2364966267b5d7d2ce6cd9a9b5bd19d9c7c6a9 UNI-v2 LP address: 0x06e4c11eaac88ae9253f9e86b60c8b4e7d4b281c Circulating Supply: 32,613 Total Supply: 44,613 Burnt Tokens: 15,387 Maximum Supply: 60,000 Inflation Rate: None
Last updated
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